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Strengthening the technique transfer and promotion of PVFCCo’s product in Cambodia

On 16 and 17/03/2012, PVFCCo and its Cambodia branch in co-operation with KomPong Cham and KomPong Thom Province Departments of Agriculture organized a field workshop to summarize the experimental model of Phu My Urea and transfer farming techniques to farmers.  

The attendees of the workshop included leaders of the Agricultural Department, Cultivation and Agricultural Encouragement divisions, district-level technical officials, co-operatives and many farmers and fertilizer agents.

The workshop and photos of the experimental model were reported on Cambodian Television and newspapers for widespread introduction to Cambodian farmers and public. By comparison, the experimental model field gave the yield of 2.5-3 tons/ha higher than that of mass rice fields, with estimated average profit increasing by USD 700 to 1,000 / ha.

At the workshop, leaders of Provincial Department of Agriculture said that Cambodian farmers’ understanding and application of scientific advances in agricultural production in general and rice cultivation in particular was still very limited. Local technical official resources are both insufficient in number and lack of experience, as such, PVFCCo’s support and cooperation with the Agricultural Department are of great significance to farmers and win high confidence.     

The workshop was held in an exciting atmosphere. PVFCCo officers transferred rice-growing techniques as well as promoted Phu My Urea products currently available on Cambodian market which will see Ca Mau granular urea to be launched in the upcoming months.