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PVN index will be released in June

Tinnhanhchungkhoan.vn – Mr. Pham Quang Huy, General Director of Petrovietnam Securities Incorporated (PSI) said, the PVN-Index will be expectedly for release in public in June.
Accordingly, the PVN-Index will be the stock price index family of all affiliates of Vietnam Gas and Oil Group (Petrovietnam – PVN) quoted on the Stock Exchanges in Vietnam, the original value is 1,000 points, as from 31/12/2008. The index family includes more than 80 constituent indexes, calculated in 4 currencies. In particular, PVN10 index is built based on 10 stocks with large market capitalization and the highest liquidity in order to catch investment trend under current index, including DPM, PVX, PVD, PVS, PVF, PGS, PVI, PVG, PET and PVC. As of 25/5/2012, PVN10 index stands at the landmark of 871.12 points.