PVFCCo’s member companies successfully hold sessions of the Annual General Meeting 2013
In April 2013, a session of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2013 was alternately held at each PVFCCo’s member company. Attending the sessions were PVFCCo’s leadership and the majority of shareholders.
At each session, shareholders have listened to presentation, discussed and voted to pass the reports and papers provided by the Board of Directors, the Board of Management, the Board of Supervisors on business operation results and profit sharing plans of 2012, business and profit sharing plans for 2013, development strategy of the company until 2015 and development orientation until 2025. The contents presented at the Meeting were passed with high voting rate showing the determination as well as the support and consent of the shareholders to the company.
On behalf of the leadership, the representative of the Board of Directors of member companies thanked the Meeting and committed to make the best efforts along with the leadership and the whole staff to excellently complete the business plan 2013 which was passed in the Meeting.
AGM of PVFCCo Central (April 02nd):