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PVFCCo wins high prizes at PVN Sports Festival in Southern Region 2016

From 6th to 8th May 2016, the Petroleum Sports Festival in Southern Region 2016 took place at VietsovPetro Sports Centre, Vung Tau City with the participation of 20 units in the petroleum industry. The athlete team of PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Corporation (PVFCCo) led by Mr. Nguyen Dinh Hung – Vice Chairman of PVFCCo”s Trade Union took part in 04 games: Tug of war, table tennis, badminton and tennis. The PVFCCo team included 48 athletes and 100 fans.

Reportedly, the Sports Festival served as a sport activity  to celebrate the Worker Month 2016 with the message “Trade Union partnering with the corporate sustainable development”. The Sports Festival was also an occasion for PVFCCo to strengthen the good relationship among enterprises in the petroleum industry, featuring PVFCCo”s and PVN”s great corporate culture. Also, this was the chance for athletes to experience and upgrade personal skills in order to participate in upcoming events.

PVFCCo team enthusiastically joined the competition and achieved the following prizes: 5 First Prizes, 4 Second Prizes and 9 Third Prizes. Details as follows:

·         Tug of war: 01  Third Prize

–         Men’s Tug of war: Third Prize


·         Tennis: 01  Third Prize

–         Men”s Singles 31-49: Duc Hung: Third Prize


·         Table Tennis: 03 First Prizes; 01 Second Prize; 03 Third Prizes (all athletes won prizes).

–         Men”s Singles< 30:              Huy Bao: First Prize

–         Women”s Singles< 30:                            Thu Trang: Third Prize

–         Men”s Doubles < 30:               Huy Bao – DuyHai: First Prize

–         Mixed Doubles <30:                    DuyHai – Thu Trang: Second Prize

–         Men”s Singles 41 – 50:                      Thanh Phuong: First Prize; Nguyen Tuan: Third Prize

–         Men”s Doubles 41-59:              Thanh Phuong – Nguyen Tuan: Third Prize


·         Badminton: 02 First Prizes; 03 Second Prizes; 04 Third Prizes. Details as follows:

–         Women”s Doubles 31-40:                QueChau – Hang Nga: First Prize

–         Mixed Doubles 31-40:                    Quoc Toan – Hang Nga: First Prize

–         Women”s Singles< 30:                            Minh Ha – Second Prize

–         Women”s Singles 31-40:               QueChau – Second Prize

–         Men”s Singles 31-40:                        Quoc Toan – Second Prize

–         Women”s Singles< 30:                            Mai Thi Lien – Third Prize

–         Women”s Doubles < 30:                             Minh Ha – Mai Thi Lien: Third Prize

–        Women”s Singles 31- 40:              Dao Thi Mua Thu: Third Prize

–         Mixed Doubles 41-50:     Pham Ngoc Thuc – Nguyen Thi Thuy: Third Prize

Below are some photos of the Sports Festival: