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PVFCCo SW (stock code: PSW) lists and transacts its shares on HNX

In the morning of 21/07/2015, at Hanoi, the South West PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Joint Stock Company (PVFCCo South West) held an Opening ceremony to initially sell 17 million shares on Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) with the stock code PSW. Participants therein were Mr. Nguyen Anh Phong – Deputy General Director of HNX; Mr. Le Minh Hong – PVN’s Vice President; Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thang – Vice Chairman of Vietnam Petroleum Association; Mr. Le Cu Tan – PVFCCo’s Chairman; Ms. Nguyen Thi Hien – PVFCCo”s Vice Chairwoman; Mr. Nguyen Hong Vinh – PVFCCo”s member of the BOD; Ms. Le Thi Thu Huong – PVFCCo”s Vice President; Mr. Nguyen Van Tong – PVFCCo”s Vice President; Mr. Pham Quy Hien – PVFCCo SW”s Chairman; Mr. Nguyen Duc Hien – PVFCCo SW”s Director and the leaders of PVFCCo, PVFCCo SW, and shareholders of the Company.

Addressing the ceremony, Mr. Le Cu Tan affirmed that this was an important event for PVFCCo SW to publicly and transparently implement the corporate governance, gradually build up confidence to shareholders and investors, and create conditions for shareholders, investors to perform their best rights and obligations. Mr. Le Cu Tan also believed that PVFCCo SW”s leaders and employees would keep trying their best, proceed with the business performance of the past years, devise effective solutions to maximize the enterprise value so as to ensure the harmony between the interests of shareholders and employees, develop the Company and perform environmental protection and social responsibility.

HNX”s representative, Mr. Nguyen Anh Phong undertook to facilitate and provide services and support in order for PVFCCo SW to join the market in the most effective way, contributing to increase the Company”s property and the benefits of shareholders. He also desired that PVFCCo SW would always comply with regulations on securities and the stock market, especially the provisions on reporting, disclosure and auditing… when listing their shares on HNX.

At the end of the ceremony, Mr. Le Minh Hong – PVN’s Vice President beat the gong to officially launch the transaction of PSW shares on HNX.

Below are some photos: