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PVFCCo supports officers and soldiers in military helicopter crash

On 10/07/2014, at the Command of Air Defense – Air Force Service, the representatives of PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Corporation (PVFCCo) visited and donated a sum of money to support the families and relatives of the officers and soldiers sacrificed and injured in the military aircraft crash.

As soon as receiving the information about the MI-171 helicopter from Regiment 916 of Air Force Division 371 under Air Defense – Air Force Service encountered the technical problems in Thach That District (Hanoi), in the morning of July 10, PVFCCo promptly contacted, visited as well as expressed its sympathies to the Air Defense – Air Force Command and families of the officers and soldiers having the accident.

Accordingly, PVFCCo donated a sum of 2 million VND to each of the families of the officers and soldiers sacrificed and 2 million VND to each wounded soldier. Among 21 officers and soldiers present in the crashed MI-171, 10 are staff of Air Defense – Air Force Service and 11 are staff of Capital Command.

PVFCCo’s laborers strongly hope that their sharing along with the supports of Command of Air Defense – Air Force and local authorities will practically help officers’ and soldiers’ families overcome the immediate economic difficulties, the mental pains and health losses to stabilize their lives.