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PVFCCo ranked 2nd in “Top prestigious and effective public companies” in 2023

PetroVietnam Fertilizers and Chemicals Corporation (PVFCCo) has just been honored in the “Ranking of Top 50 Prestigious and Effective Public Companies” in 2023 with 2nd place. Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company (Vietnam Report) complies with international standards and is periodically published annually on domestic and foreign media.

In 2022, the world’s economic – political situation has many changes that have strongly affected the activities of businesses. In that general situation, PVFCCo has proved its bravery when not only standing firm in the face of challenges, but also quickly seizing every opportunity, achieving impressive production and business results, and maintaining firm hold. its leading brand position. In 2022 PVFCCo achieved record revenue and profit in its history, far exceeding the previous 2021. Entering 2023 in the difficult situation of the world economy, in the country and in the fertilizer industry, PVFCCo has predicted the situation in advance, proposed many solutions to overcome difficulties and challenges, and strive to achieve best business results.

It is known that the “Top 50 prestigious and effective public companies ranking” aims to honor reputable, effective and stable public enterprises that contribute to the development of the Vietnamese economy. Nam and promote the business brand to the domestic and international business community. The ranking was made by Vietnam Report through the coding method of articles written about businesses published on influential newspapers in Vietnam during the period from April 2022 to March 3. 2023, evaluate at the story level (story level) about 24 specific operational aspects of companies from products, business results, markets, etc. to the activities and reputation of the company’s leaders. .