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PVFCCo organizing a training class to employees of PVFCCo and PVCFC on Ca Mau granular urea

In performing the Market Preparation Contract between Petrovietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Corporation (PVFCCo) and Petrovietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer Company Limited (PVCFC), a training class on Ca Mau granular urea was taken on October 12 at Ca Mau Fertilizer Plant for all employees of PVFCCo and PVCFC.
Attending the class were Mr. Hoang Trong Dung – Deputy Director of PVCFC, Department heads of PVFCCo, leaders of member companies and more than 100 employees of the two companies.
Teaching at the class was Master Bui Duy Du – Director of Fertilizer Testing Center in Southern areas – representatives of Department of Crop Production and PVCFC. During the training session, participants have been shared with knowledge about components and characteristics of granular urea and its testing results on plant as well as production technology and brand identity system of Ca Mau Urea.
In the afternoon, employees attending the class also had a chance to visit the whole plant and the production lines including: seed production, packaging, ports and storage system of Ca Mau Fertilizer Plant.