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PVFCCo organized a course on ” Corporate PR – Press Relations”

In the morning of 24/5, PVFCCo organized a training course on “Corporate PR – Press Relation”. Attendees included Ms. Nguyen Thi Hien – PVFCCo’s Vice Chairwoman and more than 40 trainees as leaders and experts in charge of PVFCCo’s communication and advertisement.
The course was organized to improve knowledge and skills in PR – Press relations for leaders and officials in charge of press and communication at PVFCCo and its affiliates. The course would take place from 24/05 to 26/05. With this course, trainees would obtain knowledge on PR and press relations such as: Concepts of PR, Corporate PR, PR and press, skills in working with press, how to prepare and answer interviews, building strategies of communication and communication management in crisis…
Trainers for this course were experienced lecturers, experts in PR and media: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dinh Thi Thuy Hang – Dean of Public Relations & Advertisement Department, Academy of Journalism and Communication, Mr. Le Quoc Vinh – Chairman cum CEO of Le Bros Communication Group,  Ms. Do Thi Minh Hien – Lecturer in Public Relation of Academy of Journalism and Communication.