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PVFCCo is ranked in the list of Vietnam’s top 50 best listed companies by Forbes Vietnam for the 2nd consecutive time.


Forbes Vietnam has recently announced the list of top 50 best listed companies in Vietnam’s stock market. For the 2nd consecutive time, Petrovietnam Fertilizer & Chemicals Corporation – PVFCCo (stock code DPM) is in the ranking list of this prestigious global magazine.

The ranking of Forbes is based on criteria of companies with outstanding activities and business results in the industry, with leading position in the market and generating high profit to the investors.

Besides PVFCCo, 5 other subsidiaries of PetroVietnam are also in the Top 50 list: PetroVietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation (PV Gas), Drilling Mud Corporation (DMC), PetroVietnam Technical Services Corporation (PTSC), PetroVietnam Drilling and Well Services Joint Stock Corporation (PVD); PetroVietnam Insurance Joint Stock Corporation (PVI).

Reportedly, 50 companies of the list have their capitalized value of over 741,000 billion VND, accounting for 65% of total capitalized value in the market (based on the closing price on 25/4/2014). The revenue growth rate of these companies reached 7% last year, exceeding the rate of 2% of the overall market and their average pre-tax profit growth rate reached 23%, higher than the rate of 15% of the overall market.