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PVFCCo held the closing conference for 2011 operation, 2012 plans and Annual Congress of Employee 2012

On Dec 30th, PVFCCo celebrated the closing conference for its 2011 operation, implementing 2012 action plan and Annual Congress of Employees 2012.

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Thinh Giang – Deputy Editorial Director, “Nhan Dan” News; Mr. Do Van Hau – PVN’s President & CEO; Members of PVN Board, Deputy General Director, PVN Labor Union’s Chairman, PVFCCo’s leaders and more than 350 representatives on behalf of 1,800 employees of PVFCCo.

The conference focused on appraising actual business results, finding causes and alternatives to enhance leadership capability, promoting creativity in working environment, fostering solidarity by making employees standing stick together for 2012 missions. The meeting also passed the following documents: the report of 2011 operation results; the financial and operation plan for 2012; the summary report of party affairs in 2011; implementing 2012 action plans; Report of organization results at grassroot level and supervisory activity to central advanced labors and other policies at PVFCCo; statement of 2011 welfare & reward fund spending and statement of 2012 welfare & reward fund budget. Moreover, the meeting also voted key positions and answered questions/suggestions from employees.

On the same day, the meeting also gave certificates of merit from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Prime Minister, PVN and PVFCCo to teams and individuals who have successfully completed their assigned tasks. Especially, at the meeting Mr. Thinh Giang – Deputy Editorial Director of “Nhan Dan” News has awarded campaign medal to two PVFCCo employees having contributions to the newspaper growth.