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PVFCCo Central provides fire prevention & fighting training

In an effort to assure proper fire prevention & fighting and raise the awareness and responsibility towards fire prevention & fighting for the Company’s staff, on 11 and 12 October 2014, a training on fire prevention & fighting skill fostering was jointly held by PVFCCo Central, the Fire Prevention & Fighting – Rescue Police Division of Binh Dinh Province at the Company’s headquarter.

In the training, the trainees were provided with information on recent dreadful fires, both nationally and locally, that caused serious damage to human life and properties, updated fire prevention & fighting regulations stated in new legal documents, causes of fire & explosion, how to deploy a basic fire prevention & fighting squad and fire fighting procedure, etc.

Following the theoretical session, drills on how to use the dry chemical spray, fire extinguisher, fire hoses (rolling and unrolling), and pumps were practised by the trainees so that speedy and timely actions could be taken to extinguish fire, if any.

By the end of the fire prevention and fighting training, evaluation, learned lessons and drill shortcomings were pointed out by PVFCCo Central and the Fire Prevention & Fighting – Rescue Police Division of Binh Dinh Province so as to ensure high efficiency for in-house fire prevention and fighting.

After the training, the trainees could perceive fire prevention and fighting knowledge well, use in-house fire fighting facilities skillfully; their awareness and responsibility towards fire prevention and fighting were improved, ready to proactively handle cases of fire and/or explosion, if any.

Photos about the training: