PVFCCo Central and PVFCCo SBD successfully hold 2015 Annual General Meetings of Shareholders
During 2 days from 9/4/2015 to 10/4/2015, the 2 subsidiaries of PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Corporation (PVFCCo), namely Central Petrovietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Joint Stock Company (PVFCCo Central) and PetroVietnam Southern Building and Development Joint Stock Company (PVFCCo SBD) held their 2015 Annual General Meetings of Shareholders.
- At Central Petrovietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Joint Stock Company (PVFCCo Central)
In the afternoon of 10/04/2015, Central Petrovietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Joint Stock Company (PVFCCo Central) has successfully held 2015 annual general meeting of shareholders in Quy Nhon city.
Attendees at the Meeting, from the biggest shareholder, PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Corporation (PVFCCo), included Mr. Le Cu Tan – Chairman, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hien – Vice Chairwoman, Ms. Tran Thi Phuong Thao – Chief Supervisor, Mr. Duong Tri Hoi – Vice President, together with the leaders from Divisions, subsidiaries of PVFCCo and 55 other shareholders, altogether holding 96,59% of total shares with voting rights at the Company.
At the meeting, the Company presented the Director’s Report on business activities in 2014 and the target plan for 2015; Report on the Board of Directors’ activities in 2014; Financial statements 2014, Profit distribution plan 2014 and the target plan for 2015; Report on salary, bonus, remuneration and other benefits for the BOD, the Supervisory Board in 2014 and target plan for 2015; Report on activities of the Supervisory Board and proposal for appointing the auditor; Statement on approval to the appointment decision of BOD Member; Statement on proposal for AGM authorization of the Director to represent the Company to sign contracts, enter transactions according to Article 120 of the Law on Enterprises. All relevant issues were approved and adopted by the AGM.
In the discussion, the shareholders acknowledged and highly evaluated the business results achieved by the Company in 2014, given the economic difficulties, weather conditions in the Central and Highlands unfavorable for agricultural production. In specific, the output reached 329,742 tons, revenue 2,352 billion VND, pre-tax profit 52,21 billion VND, and shareholders’ benefit was ensured at the dividend ratio as specified in the target plan; and at the same time, the shareholders directly contributed creative opinions for the Company’s action plan 2015.
Addressing at the Meeting, Mr. Le Cu Tan praised the excellent results in 2014 of PVFCCo Central, he also confirmed that PVFCCo would always accompany and support PVFCCo Central to fulfill all the assigned task and plans in 2015.
On behalf of PVFCCo Central, Mr. Tran Manh Hung – Chairman of the Board expressed his sincere thanks for the support from PVFCCo as well as valued Shareholders, and simultaneously committed that the Leadership and all employees would work together with joint consensus and efforts to successfully carry out 2015 tasks and targets.
Below are some photos at the 2015 AGM: