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Press Release: DPM”s General Meeting of Shareholders 2019: Targeted revenue of 8,645 billion dong and dividend rate of 10%

On April 17, 2019 at Phu My Fertilizer Plant, the 2019 Annual General Meeting of DPM”s General Meeting of Shareholders took place with the participation of shareholders owning 76.13% of the number of shares with voting rights.

During the working schedule, the General Meeting of Shareholders reviewed, consulted and voted on issues related to business and production results in 2018 and plans in 2019. The above contents have been approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders with a high number of consentaneous votes.

With regard to the business and production results in 2018, the General Meeting of Shareholders approved the reports of DPM”s Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and Executive Board. In general, 2018 was a successful year for DPM, with both sales targets (VND 9,439 billion) and profit before tax target (VND 871 billion) exceeded the adjusted plan and far beyond the plan passed at the 2018 General Meeting of Shareholders. With this positive result, the General Meeting of Shareholders also approved a dividend rate of 10% by cash for 2018, equivalent to VND 1,000/share.

In 2019, the situation is expected to be more difficult due to the fact that the input material price continues to increase, Phu My Fertilizer Plant is suspended for maintenance longer than originally planned, DPM sets the sales target of VND 8,645 billion, profit before tax target of VND 205 billion. To ensure that the dividend rate is still 10% as in 2018, DPM sets goal to strongly reduce the sales management costs; remuneration of the Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and Executive Board compared to the previous years.

Also, at this meeting, the General Meeting of Shareholders voted for an additional member of the Board of Directors, increasing the total number of the Board to 6, including 2 independent members.

The Resolution and Minutes of the meeting will be published in accordance with the law and DPM”s charter.

Photos at the meeting are as follows: