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Petrovietnam to rank first in top 10 enterprises in Vietnam

(dantri.com.vn) Top 50 companies in Vietnam Report (VNR) of 500 biggest enterprises 2011 are eligible to show up in the Forbes 2000 (the world”s 2,000 largest enterprises by revenue)

On Nov 29th, Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company announced its highly accredited VNR 500 2011– Top 500 businesses in Vietnam. This list compilation based on statistical data researched up to Dec 31st 2010. The ranking reflects revenue scale of firms in question.

Attending the VNR 500 requires a minimum turnover of 1.500 billion VND. As the 2011 result just revealed, state-owned companies and corporations kept dominating the VNR 500 list in 2011 with 41.6% in total 500 places.

In addition to outnumbering in VNR 500 2011, state-owned corporations also seized most of top 10 standings such as: Vietnam National Oil & Gas Group (Petrovietnam), Vietnam National Coals & Minerals Holding Corporation Limited, Vietnam Electricity Corporation… Private and FDI firms followed with 37.4% and 21.0% respectively.

Some key industries and sectors continued to remain its inherent top percentile including: coals, minerals – Petroleum (15%), finance-banking (9.8%), food & beverage (8.2%), Telecommunication (6%), Electricity (6.8%).

There is no surprise when almost leading names come from the two largest cities, Ho Chi Minh and Ha Noi. The number of selected firms by locations proved this fact when Ho Chi Minh and Ha Noi each contributes 25.8% and 21.8% correspondingly.

Furthermore, Top 30 are also qualified to join the club of 1 billion USD as its group revenue average 3.2 billion USD, up from last year figure of 2.7 billion. This is clearly a forceful proof about their increasing power.

The Top 50 enterprises also met the qualifications for the Forbes 2,000 (the world”s 2,000 largest enterprises by revenue).

Under perspective of operation efficiency, firms from FDI however showed the best performance with ROA at 9%, far exceeding that of state-owned (2.7%) and private sectors (2.5%).

As a matter of fact, state-owned enterprises’ ROA shrinked half from last year (down to 2.7% from last close of 5%). This raised a concern about alarming low operation and investment efficiency of both state-owned and private enterprises in Vietnam.

Top 10 largest enterprises in Vietnam (source: www.vnr500.com.vn):

  1. Vietnam National Oil & Gas Group (Petrovietnam)
  2. Vietnam National Petroleum Corporation (Petrolimex)
  3. Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT)
  4. Saigon Jewelry Company Limited (SJC)
  5. Vietnam electricity (EVN)
  6. Vietsopetro
  7. Viettel Group
  8. Vietnam national coal, mineral industries holding corporation limited (Vinacomin)
  9. Petrovietnam oil corporation (PV Oil)
  10. Vietnam bank for agriculture and rural development (Agribank)