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Personnel of PVFCCo’s Office practise emergency evacuation – rescue with escape chute

In the afternoon of 17th April 2014, to ensure a safe emergency evacuation and rescue for the personnel working at PVFCCo’s headquarter in case of fire or explosion within the building, PVFCCO Tower’s Management organized a drill on emergency evacuation and rescue with escape chute for PVFCCo office personnel.

Reportedly, the escape chute acquired byPVFCCo Tower is a modern peripheral evacuationdevice;designed to aid in emergency evacuation of people in the most convennient way, regardless of adults, children, elderly, or the disabled….Even in case of earthquake, the walls are relocated, emergency exitsblocked, this system willstill be able to send people safely to the ground.

Though the drillonly lasted within one hour, all personel of the building have beenthoroughlybriefed on emergencyevacuation – escapeand practiced using the escape chute.

Below are some photos: