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Meeting with Sojitz Corporation

At 3 p.m. on October 3rd 2011, delegation of Sojitz Corporation visited and worked at the headquarter of Petrovietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Corporation.  Attendees of the meeting include Mr. Chikahide Miori – business director of Sojitz Tokyo’s fertilizer; Mr. Bui Minh Tien – Chairman of PVFCCo, Mr. Hoang Viet Dzung – Vice President of PVFCCo, as well as representatives of Fertilizer Division, Ho Chi Minh City Branch of PVFCCo.  At the meeting, both parties have open discussion to promote further cooperation and exchange of experience in sales and export urea, NPK fertilizer in foreign markets. Sojitz offered the invitation to PVFCCo to visit NPK fertilizer production technology and technical assistance cooperation in the construction and operation of NPK plant.  Sojitz is one of PVFCCo’s major strategic partners. Previously, on March 29th 2011, PVFCCo, Sojitz Corporation and Japan Vietnam Fertilizer Company (JVF) jointly signed a cooperation agreement in which JVF provides PVFCCo with 30,000-40,000 tons of high-quality NPK fertilizer annually. In turn, PVFCCo provides Sojitz with 200,000 to 300,000 tons of urea per year to export to Thailand, Philippines. Follow are some pictures of the meeting: