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Fertilizer Imports Exceed USD 1 Billion in Eight Months

Gafin – Import turnovers of cattle foodstuff and raw materials also reach USD 1.48 billion in 8 months.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, imported fertilizers are estimated at 484 thousand tons, with a turnover of $ 207 million in August.
Imported fertilizers of the first eight months are estimated at 2.5 million tons with a turnover of USD 1.07 billion, decreased by 4.3% in volume and increased by 3.4% in value compared to the same period last year.
The report also states that the turnovers of imported pesticides and raw materials in August are estimated at USD 49 million, bringing the total import turnover of this commodity group to USD 442 million in the first eight months of 2012, increased by 7.5% compared to the same period last year.
Cattle foodstuff and raw materials turnovers are estimated at USD198 million in August, bringing the import turnovers of these commodity groups to USD 1.48 billion in the first eight months of 2012, decreased by 4.9 percent compared to the same period last year. Cattle foodstuff and raw materials are the commodities with the largest import turnovers among others related to agriculture, forestry and fisheries.