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Farming techniques workshop and donation 25 tons of fertilizer to Cambodian poor farmers

On November 24th 2011, 17:30 PM, Vietnam – Cambodia Trade Fair 2011 was officially opened at the Avenue 5, Battambang province, Northwest of Cambodia –  the province with most developed agriculture in Cambodia.

Along with other 100 enterprises fromVietnam and Cambodia, Petrovietnam Fertilizers and Chemicals Corporation (PVFCCo) showed up atthe fair and put throughmany activities to promote trade and instructed Cambodian farmers know-how offarming techniques andfertilizer usage.

At the opening ceremony, Ms Nguyen Thi Hong, Vice Chairwoman of Ho Chi Minh People’s Committee, Mr. Bra Chan – Governor of Battambang province, Mr. Bui Duy Hai – Vietnam Consul General at Battambang and many other local authorities have visited and exchanged information at PVFCCo’s booth.This fair was held by Ho Chi Minh Trade & Investment Promotion Center lasting from November 24th to November 28th 2011 with participation from more than 150 booths displaying various product groups such as: foods, dairy products, beverages, cosmetics, fertilizers, insecticides, plant breeds, garments, household items…

On the following day morning (November 25th) at Moko district, Battambang province, PVFCCo organized a workshop to impart know-how about farming techniques and granted 25 tons of Urea Phu My to local poor farmers. Visitors at this event included Mr. Chimvachiru – Deputy director of Battambang’s Department of Agriculture; Mr. Uch Leng – Chairman, Commission of Moko district; Mr. Samnen – Chairman of Moko district.

At the seminar, PVFCCo’s experts on planting techniques have directly instructed farmers how to use Urea Phu My effectively such as manual descriptions, time and quantity schedules so as to get the highest productivity.

People and farmers at Moko district happily received every single pack of Phu My Urea and showed their great gratitude toward PVFCCo’s good will.