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DPM: Good IR boosts stock value and liquidity

(Source: Stock Investment newspaper) – PetroVietnam Fertilizers and Chemicals Corporation (PVFCCo) with stock code DPM in the VN30-index for years has emerged as not only a company operating efficiently but also a stock of high liquidity, attracting interests of domestic and foreign professional investors thanks to its very professional and transparent IR (Investor Relations) activities. The Stock Investment newspaper has discussed with Ms. Nguyen Thi Hien, PVFCCo’s Vice Chairwoman and spokeswoman, on how PVFCCo achieved this success. Performed by Thu Huong.

Could you please tell us about the investor interest in DPM stock as reflected through their demand for information and directly working with PVFCCo recently?

As soon as PVFCCo was listed on the stock market, PVFCCo’s leaders determined to prioritize and allocate proper resources on IR activities, and promptly established a permanent department for such activities. Recently, many IR activities have been implemented to promote the cooperation and information exchange between PVFCCo and shareholders, investors. Especially, foreign investors represent a large ratio of investors visiting and learningabout PVFCCo. In the first 9 months of 2013, our IR department has organized about 50 individual meetings with hundreds of domestic and foreign investors seekinginformationonPVFCCo. Also, our IR department has actively participated in events of investor meetingat important forums of Southeast Asian countries.

Apart from active and open approach to your investors, what solutions has PVFCCo implemented to help DPM stock liquidity, attractingboth domestic and foreign investors, especially long-term investors?

Basing on the number of pastmeetingswith investors, wemightfind that investors, especially foreign ones,are really interested in DPM stock. Recognizingthat developing and maintaining good relations with investors and shareholders plays an important role in increasing stockvalue, liquidity, building confidenceintransparency on the stock market as well as facilitating the capital mobilization of the Company, PVFCCo’s leaders has proposed the following solutions to attract domestic and foreign investors.

Firstly, to set up a system to manage and monitor IR information by time as well as by investor. DPM is considered as one of the major stock codes on the market, attracting great attention from the public, so any informationin connection with PVFCCo image will affect investors’ expectations. Closelyand consistentlymonitored exchange of information and collection of investors’ feedback will help affirming the transparency, preventing any confusion of theinvestorsin seeking and understanding business information.

Secondly, to promote the active role in responding to information demands of the investors. PVFCCo does not only boost information exchange with groups of shareholders well aware of DPM but also aims at investors unaware of DPM. Representatives of PVFCCo’s leaders and IR team have frequently madecomprehensive, precise, and timely announcementsabout operation situation, financial results, and business plan to its shareholders and investors.

Thirdly, to expand exchange, strengthen the relationship with domestic and foreign investors to promote the image and reputation of PVFCCo, which is the corner stone for the next development stages. Along with approaching investors, PVFCCo has also constantly promoted communication through finance – investment media.

In general, the effort to fulfill and exceed planned targets,business development strategy as committed to shareholders is also the important basis to enable DPM to perform effective communication, creating positive impactson liquidity and DPM stock price on the market.

Which issues relating to DPM stock most intrigue investors recently?

Apart from issues related to fertilizer market in general, DPM’s production and business results, dividend distribution policy, investors have recently paid attention to issues such as the roadmap for gas price increase, thecompetitiveness and long-term development strategy of DPM in the future when the fertilizer supply outweighs the demand, investment projects, and future growth opportunities…

PVFCCo’s leaders have directed IR department to satisfactorily answer to investors’ inquiries, actively updating periodic production and business results, and providing relevant transparent information.

What is PVFCCo”s plan to use abundant cash resource more efficiently now when not acquiring Ca Mau Fertilizer plant? How are the disbursement and other investment projects?

Implementing the development strategy to 2015 and vision to 2025, PVFCCo is deploying someprojects on fertilizers and chemicals production with total investment of up to 1 billion US dollars. Initially, these projects are in the process of feasibility study without requiring muchcapital. However, in the next few years, theirdisbursementdemand will be substantial, and the current cash can satisfy only a portion of such demand, the rest must be arrangedfrom outsidecapital. In addition, basing on current cash flow with noCa Mau Fertilizer Plantacquisition, we have promptly adjusted the cash dividend ratio, ensuring shareholders” legitimate rights.

There are many opinions that we should use this cashto invest in some other fields to increase the cash flow efficiency, but given the current situation,wesuppose that the preservation of assets is still the right choice. DPM will only focus on its main business line, that is producing and trading fertilizers and chemicals in support of  the oil and gas industry and agriculture.

Currently, PVFCCo is focusing on implementation of several key projects as follows: NH3-NPK complex project, NH3 – Nitrat Amon complex project, UFC85 project, and H2O2 project. These projects make important contribution to the growth and development of PVFCCo in the coming stage. Upon completion, they are expected to contribute about 50%-60% of revenue. The cumulative cash flow in preparation for big projects is currently depositedin large and prestigiousbanks.

Could you please share some highlights of PVFCCo’sactivities and business results bythe end ofthe thirdquarterof2013?

There was a declinein DPM”s sales output in the third quarter and the first 9 months of the year as compared with the same period last year because we no longer distributeCa Mau Fertilizerproducts. In addition, the erratic weather in the third quarterhas also influencedactivities of agricultural production and fertilizer trading. However, DPM”s business results remain high, with estimated pre-tax profit of 9 months reachingnearly 2,300 billion VND, exceeding the plan of2013.