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NPK Phumy 20-5-5+TE

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Fertilizer time:

  • First time: Apply 5-7 days after sowing seeds (with 1-2 true leaves).
  • Fertilize after harvest (for vegetables – fruits (left) harvested many times): Apply 1-2 days after harvest.


Amount of fertilizer: Use a spoon with 5-10 grams markings to measure the amount of fertilizer.

+ For potted plants:

  • Small pot (diameter <15cm): 5 grams/pot/time of application.
  • Medium pot (diameter from 15-24 cm): 10 grams/pot/time of application.
  • Large pot (diameter >24 cm): 15 grams/pot/time of application.


 + For large-area crops: Apply 10-20 grams/m2.