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Phu My NPK 20-10-10+TE

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Code: 00146


Fertilizer Type: NPK fertilizer with micronutrient supplementation


Ingredients: Nitrogen (Nts): 20%; Phosphorus (P2O5hh): 10%; Potassium (K2Ohh): 10%; TE (Zn: 50ppm; B: 50ppm); Moisture content: 5%.


Using: Root fertilizer (h, v)


Expiry: 36 months (From the date of manufacture)


Specifications: Suitable for various types of crops and different ecological regions. Provides a balanced combination of macro, micro, and trace elements in appropriate proportions to promote rapid absorption and strong growth of crops, enhancing their resistance to adverse weather conditions for high productivity and superior quality agricultural produce.


Use for: Cereal crops; Industrial crops; Fruit-bearing trees; Leafy vegetables