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NPK Phu My 16-16-16+TE

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Code: 05364


Fertilizer Type: NPK fertilizer supplemented with medium and micronutrients


Ingredients: Nitrogenous (Nts): 16%; Phosphorus (P2O5hh): 16%; Potassium (K2Ohh): 16%; TE (Zn: 50ppm; B: 50ppm); Moisture: 5%.


Using: Apply to root (h,v)


Expiry: 36 months (From date of manufacture)


Specifications: Suitable for crops and different soils and ecological zones. Providing multi, medium, and microelements with a balanced and reasonable ratio ... to help plants absorb quickly, thrive, withstand adverse weather conditions for high productivity and outstanding quality of agricultural products.


Use for: Food crops; Industrial plants; Fruit trees (left); Vegetables; Flowers;


User manual

Cây lương thực:
Bón lót: 50 – 200 kg/ha
Bón thúc: 50 – 300 kg/ha/vụ

Cây công nghiệp:

Bón lót: 50 – 500 kg/ha
Bón thúc: 50 – 800 kg/ha/vụ

Cây ăn quả (trái):

Bón lót: 50 – 500 kg/ha
Bón thúc: 50 – 800 kg/ha/vụ

Cây rau, màu:

Bón lót: 50 – 200 kg/ha
Bón thúc: 50 – 300 kg/ha/vụ