Trading of an institution affiliated with an inside shareholder
Petrovietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Corporation (PVFCCo) announced trading of an institution affiliated with an inside shareholder as follows:
Stock symbol: DPM
Trader: Petrovietnam Finance Joint Stock Corporation (PVFC)
Affiliated person: Mr. Bui Quang Hung – a member of PVFC
Position of Mr. Bui Quang Hung at the listed firm: a Member of PVFCCo Board of Directors
Volume held by the affiliated person: 4,000 shares
Owning volume before trading: 3,920,230 shares (1.03%)
Volume registered to buy: 500,000 shares
Volume registered to sell:1,000,000 shares
Owning volume after trading: 3,420,230 shares (0.9 %)
Purpose to restructure investment portfolio
Trading schedule: from 26th May 2011 to 26th September 2011