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PVFCCo leaders attended series of meetings with investors in UK and US

From May 30 to June 09, 2017, Mr. Le Cu Tan – Chairman representing leaders of PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Corporation (PVFCCo) and IR Team, jointly attended a series of meetings with foreign shareholders and institutional investors at financial centers in London (Britain), New York, Sans Francisco, Chicago and Boston (United States).

This is the series of meetings with Investors, including 2017 Annual Asian Investor Conference, Emerging Market Investor Conference and Investor Meeting Program for PVFCCo held by Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) as the main organizer.

During the program, Mr. Le Cu Tan –Chairman and IR Team had nearly 30 separate meetings with major investment funds, currently key shareholders of DPM and also potential investors keen on investment in Asian market in general and DPM in specific,  to brief them on activities and development prospects of PVFCCo, introducing opportunities for investing cooperation and investment in DPM stock. Major shareholders and investment funds included Blackrock, RWC Partners, Harding Loevner, Eaton Vance, AllianceBernstein, LionTrust, Cape Ann, Fidelity, Standard Life Investment..

The meetings were held separately and directly at the event and at headquarters of investment funds. At the meetings, those investment funds also expressed their special interest in competition and business performance of PVFCCo in the 1st Quarter/2017, implementation progress and growth prospect in the next stage when new projects come into operation, as well as new policies of the Vietnamese Government in connection with fertilizer and chemical business… Mr. Le Cu Tan and IR Team devoted much time to brief shareholders and investment funds on business performance, prospects and implementation plan for investment projects in the medium and long term, capital arrangemen for current projects, to achieve targets set by PVFCCo’s development strategy for the next stage, as well as results of PVFCCo restructuring, devestment of PVN’s equity in PVFCCo for improvement of corporate governance  and optimization of production and business activities….

This was the 3rd successive time that PVFCCo carried out the meeting program with institutional  shareholders and investors at major financial centers in Britain and the United States in an effort to actively update them on information and prospects of investment in DPM stock and promote PVFCCo brand name on international financial markets, especially when the Vietnamese stock market is rated to have good prospect for outstanding growth in the region. 

At the investment forums, more than 300 financial institutions and over 80 listed companies in Asia and emerging markets met and exchanged investing opportunities through separate meetings.

Below are some photos: