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PVFCCo has deployed a relief package worth nearly 1 billion VND in the North Central Provinces

PVFCCo (stock code: DPM) said it has deployed a relief package worth nearly 1 billion VND to support flood-affected victims in Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh and Quang Binh Provinces.
In this relief program, PVFCCo has donated 300 million VND to victims living in the most seriously affected province, Thanh Hoa; 200 million VND each for Nghe An, Ha Tinh, and 100 million VND for Ninh Binh and Quang Binh. At the same time, PVFCCo has carried out direct activities including: donating 13,500 notebooks to students of nine communes worst hit in Thanh Hoa and Nghe An; sending its representatives to visit and donate 2,000,000 VND each to 14 households with relatives killed by the flood. In addition, PVFCCo – North (PVFCCo”s  subsidiary  in the North) also has launched the flood relief programs throughout its agent and store system and expected to raise 55 – 60 million VND which will be converted to physical gifts for local areas damaged by the flood.
In addtion to the relief programs, in order to facilitate the flood-affected people in maintaining production, PVFCCo will co-operate with local authorities and agents in the provinces to organize Phu My Urea donation programs (10-15kg of urea expected for each household) and direct sale days to fellow farmers. Expectedly, this program will be launched in the coming October, at the beginning of the winter crop season.