DPM – The stock code with the best IR in 2014
PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Joint Stock Corporation (PVFCCo – Stock Code: DPM) has recently been elected as one of top 5 listed companies with the best Investor Relations (IR) in 2014 by a finance and securities news site, www.vietstock.vn. This is also the second year in a row that DPM has been elected for this title.
Accordingly, PVFCCo ranks2nd among top 5 awarded companies and is appraised as being “an active and pioneering company in Investor Relations activities.”
In addition to actively providing information to and contacting the investors, DPM is the pioneer in Vietnam that has published Quarterly Investor News (bilingual, Vietnamese and English) to keep domestic and foreign shareholders and investors updated of results of operations and industrial news.