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DPM is voted as the stock code with best IR activities in 2014

PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Corporation (PVFCCo – Stock code DPM) has been voted in top 5 listed enterprises with best Investor Relation (IR) activities in the online IR 2014 voting program on the finance and securities website www.vietstock.vn. This is the 2nd consecutive year that DPM is included in top 5 listed enterprises with best IR activities.

According to online voting results publicly disclosed by website www.vietstock.vn on 27 January 2015, PVFCCo is ranked 2nd in the top 5 winning enterprises and considered as “leading and active enterprise in IR activities”. In addition to actively providing information and contacting investors, DPM is the pioneer in Vietnam publishing the quarterly Investor newsletter (Vietnamese – English bilingual) providing updated information on business results and industry information to domestic and foreign investors and shareholders.

Since DPM was listed in 2007, PVFCCo has continually maintained its effort in professionalizing IR activities, establishing a dedicated IR division to gradually build confidence for shareholders and investors. PVFCCo’s IR division currently plays an active role in connecting with the investor community home and abroad by regularly and actively providing information, answering investors’ questions. Especially, PVFCCo’s 2 periodical media publications dedicated to investors including Investor Newsletter and Annual report always catch interest and high evaluation for their contents as well as impressive design and win many domestic and foreign awards.

Up to date, DPM share is known not only as the share of leader in fertilizers & chemicals with efficient business, but also the share with good liquidity, attracting much interest of domestic and foreign investors.

According to Vietstock, the IR 2014 voting program held from 21 December 2014 to 20 January 2015 attracted more than 11,000 votes of investors. Basing on the criteria of enterprises’ active and strict compliance of regulations on disclosing information of stock market management agencies and winning trust from investors, the final result of 5 excellent stock codes includes STB, DPM, DHG, VNM and FPT.
