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Quotes delayed by up to 5 seconds. Price quote as of 15:15 Monday, 13/01/2025. Source: CafeF.
PVFCCo aims to establish itself as a leader in the production of green chemicals and energy in Vietnam, while continuing to maintain its top spot as the country's top fertilizer manufacturer. To achieve this, the company is also venturing into the production and trade of fundamental chemicals and petrochemicals.
Bringing you the sharing as well as practical experience on agriculture, plant care, effective fertilizer use.
EXPLORE →Bringing you the sharing as well as practical experience on agriculture, plant care, effective fertilizer use.
EXPLORE →With nearly two decades of persistent efforts, dynamism, and innovation, PVFCCo has successfully produced and delivered tens of millions of tons of fertilizers to the agricultural sector, thanks to its keen understanding of market trends.
VIEW ALL →PVFCCo is gradually affirming its position in the field of chemical production, specialized chemicals for member units of the Group and petroleum contractors in Vietnam.
VIEW ALL →Most recently, PVFCCo also launched a high-class Phu My fertilizer product line, specialized for urban agriculture after a long time of care and incubation.
VIEW ALL →This reaffirms Phu My Fertilizer's prominent standing in the fertilizer market and motivates PVFCCo to enhance and expand its Phu My fertilizer product line to better cater to the needs of its customers.
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Da Kao ward, district 1, HCMC